Stop doing all your thinking in your head! Do this instead…

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Let’s be real: you wouldn’t try to multiply five numbers in your head, would you? It’s too mentally exhausting, slow, and prone to error. Yet, we tend to tackle much bigger, life-altering decisions—like choosing a career path, moving cities, or picking a degree—by only thinking it through in our heads.

🧠 Today’s argument: Don’t rely on mental gymnastics alone. Instead, use writing as your secret weapon to improve your thinking, make better decisions, and free your mind.

🔑 In this video, I’ll share:
Three situations when writing down your thoughts is crucial.
Five reasons why writing improves your thinking.
Practical steps on how to write to maximize your clarity and creativity.

💡 Final Thought: I came across an inspiring quote: “The sentence is not a fundamental unit of writing. The idea is.” Writing feeds into thinking, and thinking feeds into writing. So next time you face a tough decision or need to work through complex thoughts—grab a pen or your keyboard, and start writing!

✏️ Question for you: When do you write things down, and how does it help you? Let me know in the comments below! I'd love to hear your process.

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