Too many ideas? Choose the best one with the 3 E Framework

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Are you the kind of person who constantly comes up with new ideas but struggles to pick the right one to pursue? If so, you’re not alone! I’ve been there too, and I developed a method to help navigate through idea overload—called the 3 E Framework. Inspired by Rick Rubin's book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being ( and my own experience, this framework will help you uncover the best idea from the many swirling around in your head.

🌟 The 3 E Framework:
Excitement - Follow the energy that excites you the most. Rick Rubin says: “Excitement tends to be the best barometer for selecting which ideas to focus on. Follow that energy.” Trust that pull, as it’s often a sign that an idea has potential greatness.
Experimentation - Test your ideas in the real world. Rubin emphasizes: “The only way to truly know if any idea works is to test it.” Don’t just think through ideas—try them out and see which one actually works in practice.
Effort - The best idea is the one you commit to. The moment you start putting work into an idea, it grows in strength and value. Like a decision, the act of choosing and putting in the effort makes the idea flourish.

🎯 How to Use the Framework:
Start with Excitement: Narrow down your pool of ideas by identifying which ones make you feel energized and passionate.
Experiment: Test your top ideas, observe what works, and eliminate those that don’t.
Commit to Effort: Once you’ve filtered your ideas down, choose one and give it your full energy. That’s where the magic happens.

💡 What About You? How do you filter through your ideas? Share your approach in the comments—I’d love to hear how you tackle this creative dilemma!

#Creativity #Ideas #DecisionMaking #Productivity

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